There are Memory Care Facility which provides Elder Care in Melbourne, FL. It is located in Florida, and is a valued resource for families of patients with Alzheimer disease and dementia who are looking for a secure but homey atmosphere where residents can remain as independent as possible while receiving assistance with meals, medications, daily cares, and housekeeping. Couples are able to stay together. There is physician care on-site, and the assisted living staff provides medication management 24 hours a day.
Each resident has a private suite with a bath, and couples have double suites. The staff provides housekeeping and laundry every week. Residents have all meals provided in a restaurant-style dining room. Any time of day or night, residents can get assistance with incontinence management and activities of daily living. Residents can receive occupational, speech, and physical therapy as part of their Elder Care in Melbourne, FL.
They provide special memory care in Melbourne, FL services as part of their program. The staff designs an individualized program for each resident, since everyone’s needs are different, and everyone is treated as an individual. The staff works with each resident’s medical providers and family. Family visits are encouraged, and there is a private dining room for residents to socialize with friends and family who come to visit. They design activities like group activities, exercise, and interaction with pets to provide variety for mental stimulation in dementia and Alzheimer patients. Residents are encouraged to drink water and juice to keep themselves hydrated.
Every member of the staff is required to take memory care training for Elder Care in Melbourne, FL. There is also a Memory Care Program in Melbourne, FL for residents and their families, with each program addressing that particular group’s needs. For example, families can attend educational seminars, sensitivity training, and support groups. To know more, please visit the website.