When you visit a health professional for your first acupuncture treatment, you should be prepared to go through a consultation. The acupuncturist will ask about your health history. They will also use unique assessment tools to draw up an acupuncture plan for you.
After the consultation, it is likely that the acupuncturist will start the treatment. You don’t have to worry about feeling extreme discomfort. The acupuncturist will gently place the needles in areas that are predetermined by treatment plan that was drawn up for you. It is common for the needles to stay in place for five to 30 minutes. Most people say that they feel relaxed after the treatment.
The number of treatments that you need will depend on different factors. If you have a complex or long-standing chronic condition, you may need one to two treatments each week for several months. It is common for most people to need a minimum of eight to ten visits.
Acupuncture has been shown to help individuals who are experiencing a variety of problems. It can help with depression, headaches, knee pain, lower back pain, tennis elbow, pain associated with dentistry, and morning sickness. It may be used for therapeutic use for individuals who are dealing with facial spasms, earaches, cancer pain, alcohol dependence, and other conditions.
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