Are there cracks in the floor and walls of a basement or the floor of a slab home? These cracks can let in groundwater and are a sign of foundation problems for the home. Concrete Floor Repair in Minnesota can make the concrete floor whole again and increase the value of the home. Cracks in the floor or walls are not something that happens naturally with age. They are not something to ignore and live with. These cracks are a sign of underlying foundation problems that should be fixed.
Fixing Concrete Floors
The Foundation experts with companies such as Garage Floor Coating of MN inspect all of the home’s floors and walls to find every crack. Then, they look for the underlying causes. The Concrete Floor Repair in Minnesota experts devise a plan to stabilize the home’s foundation first. Next, they repair all of the cracks and make sure the walls and floors are waterproof to avoid future water leaks.
Sometimes home foundations and cement floors are cracking because they are made of poor quality cement, or were improperly poured. Other times the builder did not stabilize the ground sufficiently before pouring the concrete floors. The home’s lot might not be graded properly so water flows toward the foundation rather than away from it. Finally, the run-off from the roof during rains may be collecting at the edges of the foundation.
Causes For Foundation Problems That Are Harder to Deal With
All of these problems can be corrected with the correct equipment, materials, and skill set. There are problems that are harder to deal with including a rising water table, construction projects nearby that are changing the way water drains, or large construction projects like road construction that destabilize the ground temporarily, causing concrete cracking. Nature can cause problems with flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and mud and rock slides.
The Foundation repair experts can find the underlying causes of foundation and concrete floor cracking and devise plans to fix them and avoid them returning. These solutions may involve leveling the foundation, taking action to stabilize a foundation, re-grading the lot, installing a better gutter drainage system, and more. Go to Website for more concrete floor crack information.